William Aroldi
mail.  wlm75@libero.it
tel. 349-1417013
I.T.C.A 01033322

via Cavalieri di Vittorio Veneto,8 46010 Redondesco (MN)


William Aroldi

Free professional by 2015.

He received the diploma of technician in 1994, since then he has started to experience in the various laboratories of the province of Mantua , Verona and Cremona, crossing all the tasks of a dental technician. The laboratory, of last generation, and is located in Redondesco, province of Mantova.

Some of the specializations and courses attended :

* Exercises on the shape and dental morphology of incisors.

* E-Max Ivoclar, study of materials, laboratory, and studio. Technique of pressing of the disilicate.

* Renowned Dental - Milling A.

* Renowned dental - Cad-cam-to-use complete system.

* Renowned dental - Coloring of the zirconia Prettau and Prettau


* Master Noritake Simple build up with the internal stain.

* Course of gnathology and functional morphology, prosthetic design, aesthetics gnatologica 3D with dr. Andrea Pelosi.

* Massive Dynamic-the course of staining, and infiltration of the translucent zirconia Biodynamic.

* Gaetano Toffali coach and problem solver.

* Natural Class, theoretical-practical course on dental ceramics Tressis for zirconia.

* Orthodontic appliances for sleep apnea with the odt. David Doradiotto.

* Aesthetic about veneers - aesthetic concepts, photos, case study ppt, diagnosis, and mock-ups. Execution of ceramic veneers feldspatica on the refractory.

* Course veneers medical and dental technician with dr. Peter Sibilia.

* Orthodontics-removable.

* Observation, reproduction, and interpretation with the Speaker Paul Miceli.

* The set-up of digital virtual orthodontics.

* Photography of the face, from the initial presentation, the make-up final - dr. Roberto Favero.

* Columbus bridge - method, with dr. Corghi Guido.

* 3D printing in the dental sector and file management.

* Orthodontics: device silensor SL, Roncopatie and apnea.

* Orthodontics: bite postural and bite protection sports "play safe".

*Functional orthodontics.

*Fixed Orthodontics.

*Orthodontics: Regulator of function of Frankel.

* The restoration and immediate loading at time 0, step by step, from implant surgery to completion of prosthetic.

* Orthodontics-digital (aligners sequential).

* Certified laboratory and enabled the construction of the power teeh-guard.

.. and others not mentioned.

"Live as if you'll die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever" (Mahatma Gandhi)

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